admin has written 5 articles

How to Livestream the Sunday Morning Service

(Part 1 of 2) Lot’s of different ways to approach this obviously, and serveral different technologies available. What I’ll share here is the solution we are currently using after evaluating a number of tools, assessing ease-of-use, and cost effectiveness. Bunch of links at the bottom for you to do your own research if intrigued. Background…

A Memorial Sunday Praise Experience

Sunday morning of Memorial Day Weekend I especially  appreciated the mini organ concert which our  church bulletin called the “postlude”.  It was a fugue by Bach, and it gave Dianne an opportunity to really exercise the organ.  I loved it, and to me it was a praise experience.    But it set me to thinking, “How is it that we are…

CoAM – Computer Safety

Computer Safety – PDF file of slides from the talk Notes and resources from a talk by Dan Cummings at CoAM (Cooperative Adult Ministry) May 9, 2016   Local Computer Service Providers: Technical Reinforcements: 612-720-0233 Chipheads: 612-866-8800 MacMen (612) 345-8005