Clocks – Right on time!

Greg Alm identified the need for having time more conveniently displayed in our meeting areas such as Fellowship Hall and Choir Room.  All of us benefit from being able to easily see the time, but Greg also described another reason that we might not have thought of:

“I just would end up getting so “Nervous” when the Fellowship Hall divider wall
was in place, and I couldn’t tell the time! My mom taught me that looking at
my cell phone, even to just read the time, was RUDE. So, I just thought that
I would ask Jill about getting some clocks for the Fellowship Hall. Jill informed
me that because of the “Child Care Regulations”, the clocks had to be “Shatter Proof”.
Thus, the need for the protective wire cages over the clocks to protect them
from being broken by: kick balls, base balls, rocks, etc.”

After Greg installed the new clocks, he verified that they met the safety requirements for the childcare center and provided this information as well:

“This is just to make sure that everything meets the Child Care requirements.

The clocks have long-life batteries, and the cages are securely screwed to
the walls.

The kids can play Kickball, Baseball, etc. without having to worry about
<< Breaking >> the clocks.

You might have your staff ask the kids if they notice anything NEW in the room.
Answer: The clocks.

Having these clocks in the Fellowship Hall makes it easier for everyone to
tell time. Like yesterday, when we had the New Member Brunch.”

5 photos

Greg Alm has written 1 article

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